

    The Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research (TIJOSSR) is a bi-annual
    publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Taraba State University, Jalingo.The overall
    objective (primary aim) is play a leading role in providing intellectual platform or forum where contemporary social issues, contending intellectual perspectives, knowledge and empirical research findings are discussed (disseminated) in the field of Social Sciences and other related disciplines.

    The Editorial Board of Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research
    (TIJOSSR) considers scholarly works on empirical and theoretical based articles on
    contemporary issues that falls within the scope of the journal, especially in the field of
    Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, Gender Issues, International
    Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Geography, Development Studies,
    Communication and Information Technology, Security and Strategic Studies, Psychology,
    Social Work, Criminology and other related areas.
    Articles adjudged to be relevant and of high quality (standard) are been subjected to
    rigorous Editorial peer review and assessment by the Journal Editorial review board made up of seasoned scholars of varied backgrounds in Social and Humanities.
    The Editor, Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research, Faculty of Social
    Sciences, Taraba State University, P.M.B 1167, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria

    In Nigeria
    Individual - ₦5,500,00 + Postage
    Institution - ₦10,000.00 + Postage

    Individual - $20 + Postage
    Institution - $30 + Postage

    Privacy Statement
    The Editorial Board and publishers of the Journal shall not assume responsibility for views expressed therein. Hence all the analysis in the Journal reflect the personal judgment of the author(s).
    All Correspondent and Enquiries should be addressed to:
    Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research
    Faculty of Social Sciences,
    Taraba State University, Jalingo
    Taraba State, Nigeria

    Mobile Numbers: 09035604668 or 07031654060


    Frontier of Health, Science, and Technology (Taraba State University Jalingo) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal that serves as the official journal of Taraba State University's Faculty of Health Sciences. It is published biannually and is multidisciplinary in the fields of health, science, and technology, with an emphasis on originality and scientific quality. The journal publishes original research articles, notes, short communications, and review articles.

    Copyright policy:

    The journal grants the author(s) unrestricted copyright and publishing rights.

    Open access:

    The journal is open-access. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles at

    The journal has a stringent policy against plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism with competent plagiarism detection software. Submitted manuscripts having an unacceptable similarity index due to plagiarism are rejected immediately.

    Article Processing Charge:

    The journal is published in both print and online formats, and all articles published are fully open-access and freely available online immediately after publication. There is a publication fee charged. The fee for review is Five Thousand naira (₦5,000) only, and upon acceptance, a publication fee of Twenty Five Thousand naira (₦25,000) is payable. 

    Publication fee for international scholars is sixty dollars ($60).


    JAJOLLS is a dynamic platform dedicated to fostering profound scholarly dialogues and advancing research endeavors within the realm of linguistics and literary studies. It serves as a conduit for innovative inquiries, theoretical explorations, and empirical investigations across various dimensions of language and literature.

    The journal is committed to promoting cutting-edge research in linguistics and literary studies, offering a nexus for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge among academics, linguists, literary scholars, and practitioners. JAJOLLS strives to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions, pushing the boundaries of linguistic and literary scholarship.

    Each issue of JAJOLLS endeavors to illuminate contemporary trends and emerging paradigms within linguistics and literary studies, offering insights that resonate with both academia and the wider community. Papers are meticulously curated to present readers with incisive analyses and practical applications, enriching discourse and contributing to the advancement of linguistic and literary theory and practice.

    JAJOLLS stands as a beacon of intellectual engagement, providing a platform for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts to engage with the intricate tapestry of language and literature, fostering a deeper understanding of their profound impact on societies and cultures worldwide.

  • Afa’-Zinan: Journal of Theatre and Media Studies

    Journal of Theatre and Media Studies is published bi-annually by Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Taraba State University, Jalingo. Its aim is to publish high quality academic papers in Theatre and performing Arts, Media Arts, Culture and
    Literature. Authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:

    STYLE: Afa’-Zinan: Journal of Theatre and Media Studies has adopted the publication manual of the Modern Language Association MLA 7TH Edition and American Psychology Association Guide APA either of which must be consistently used. Papers
    should not exceed 20 pages, typed double spaced in Ms - word format and Times New Roman 12 point with an abstract of 250 words summarizing the main points of the article.


    The journal is multi-disciplinary in nature and is aimed at inspiring robust intellectual and scholarly debates, theorizing and researching on issues in the gamut of the social and management sciences. The journal aims at the promotion of innovative research in the field of social and management sciences as well as providing a platform for the sharing and dissemination of information among the academic, professional and business worlds.

    Each issue of the journal is designed to inform researchers, practicing managers and policy makers on current and emerging developments in the social and management sciences and their practical applications to problems of the global world. Papers are carefully selected to provide readers with analytical, application-oriented approaches to managerial problems.