Transforming Governance: Assessing the Effects of Social Media on Citizen Engagement in Nigeria


  • DESMOND, Onyemechi Okocha
  • AUGUSTINE Eyo Ekanem
  • RICHARD Okujeni


Citizen Engagement, Civic Engagement, Digitalization, Nigeria, Social Media


Citizen engagement is vital to governance and the development of society. Prior to the age of the
Internet and social media platforms, citizens used traditional methods like letters, town hall
meetings, representations, and strikes, among others, to engage the government. The government,
on the other hand, used traditional media to reach the citizens. However, the advent of digital
media has changed the narrative, allowing citizens and the government an increased opportunity
to engage. This qualitative study aimed to assess the level of citizens’ engagement via digital
media platforms in Nigeria, particularly social media, relying on Agenda Setting and Technology
Determinism theories. Focus Group Discussions were conducted among participants purposively
selected from the country's six geo-political zones. Each group comprises eight participants from
each zone. Results showed that Nigerians used online media actively to engage with the
government on social and leadership issues. Most of the participants indicated that they used
social media platforms for political engagements such as during the 2023 general elections. The
study recommended that the government should deliberately integrate the use of social media with
other communication channels for their programmes and policies in order to deepen citizen

