About the Journal

The Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research (TIJOSSR) is a bi-annual
publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Taraba State University, Jalingo.The overall
objective (primary aim) is play a leading role in providing intellectual platform or forum where contemporary social issues, contending intellectual perspectives, knowledge and empirical research findings are discussed (disseminated) in the field of Social Sciences and other related disciplines.

The Editorial Board of Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research
(TIJOSSR) considers scholarly works on empirical and theoretical based articles on
contemporary issues that falls within the scope of the journal, especially in the field of
Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, Gender Issues, International
Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Geography, Development Studies,
Communication and Information Technology, Security and Strategic Studies, Psychology,
Social Work, Criminology and other related areas.
Articles adjudged to be relevant and of high quality (standard) are been subjected to
rigorous Editorial peer review and assessment by the Journal Editorial review board made up of seasoned scholars of varied backgrounds in Social and Humanities.
The Editor, Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Taraba State University, P.M.B 1167, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria

In Nigeria
Individual - ₦5,500,00 + Postage
Institution - ₦10,000.00 + Postage

Individual - $20 + Postage
Institution - $30 + Postage

Privacy Statement
The Editorial Board and publishers of the Journal shall not assume responsibility for views expressed therein. Hence all the analysis in the Journal reflect the personal judgment of the author(s).
All Correspondent and Enquiries should be addressed to:
Taraba International Journal of Social Sciences Research
Faculty of Social Sciences,
Taraba State University, Jalingo
Taraba State, Nigeria

Email: tsufassjournal@gmail.com
Mobile Numbers: 09035604668 or 07031654060