Spatiotemporal Changes In The Channel Hydromorphology of River Yedzeram Section and its Impacts in Surroundings, North East Nigeria


  • KADMIEL, Oliver
  • MICHAEL, W. Malgwi


Channel expansion, lateral movement, Channel deepening, Channel Meandering, Riparian land uses


The complex structure of rivers and increasing interest in quantitatively representing this complex structure has motivated the study of river dynamics, which has become an important subject in river science. This study analyzed spatiotemporal changes in the channel morphology of River Yedzeram section and its impacts in surroundings, North East Nigeria, Recent changes in the
channel morphology of River Yedzeram segment from Wuro-Harde to Tappare Babeti Mubi North; Adamawa State of Nigeria was evaluated using thorough fieldwork and Geographical Information System (GIS) Analysis. Modifications such as channel width, channel depth, channel sinuosity and lateral channel movement processes in the channel segment were examined over the period of 13 years (2006 to 2019). The Results depicted that from 2006 to 2011 the average migration magnitude was 20.51m while the average migration rate was 3.96m/year). From 2011 to 2015 the average migration magnitude was 20.34m while the rate of migration was 4.39m/year. From 2015 to 2019 the average migration magnitude was 19.47m, while the rate of migration rate was
3.89m/year. A short term (2016 to 2019) channel deepening rate of 0.12m/year was also observed within the right bank section of the channel. Riparian buffer zones mapping and restriction policies against encroachment within the zones were recommended and serious need to enlighten and educate the public on the effects of their activities on the environment, which could result to
detrimental landscape changes in the area.

