Emerging Technologies in the 21st Century for Teaching and Learning in Science Education
Emerging technologies, digitisation, virtualisation, information, and communication technology.Abstract
This article discusses the emerging technologies for teaching and learning in education, particularly science education. Teaching and learning have metamorphosed from the traditional method of imparting knowledge through the apprenticeship/storytelling methods of the old, through the chalk/talk and lecture methods to the current 21st-century era of digitally mediated learning environments. The 21st century is witnessing astronomic growth in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) coupled with the digitisation and virtualisation of the learning environment. This has led to innovative methods of delivery of instruction and imparting knowledge to learners through the usage of technologically mediated learning environments. Several emergent technologies are identified and discussed in this article, they include; Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Adaptive Learning Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and 5G Technology. Also identified are Competency-based Education, Learning Analytics, 3D Printing Technology and Robotics. Some benefits and challenges associated with the technologies are highlighted. It is deduced that with the deployment of emerging technologies for education, the methodology would be made easier so also will be the comprehension and internalisation of knowledge by students. In conclusion, education is set to experience a huge level of reshaping from many emerging technologies and it is recognised that this paradigm shift will have attendant implications for educational policy formulators and curriculum developers.