Social Deprivation and Ethnic Tensions in Nigeria


  • Abdullahi Ahmed


Conflict, Equity, Intergroup, Nation, Poverty, Unemployment


Social deprivation symbolised by acute socio-economic conditions that characterised the lifestyle of the average Nigerian, has been advanced as some of the pertinent causes of the persistent intergroup conflicts experienced in the nation. Identity-based conflicts tend to diminish a sense of collective belonging among Nigerians. The reality of unemployment, acute poverty and relative lack of access to sustainable social services by majority of the populace, tend to ignite ethnic tensions, as political actors take advantage of ethnic solidarity and consciousness that seem to dominate the psyche of most Nigerians. Social deprivation that prevails among the masses has become a time bomb in the hands of ethnic jingoists who manipulate ethnic differences for their vested interests. Relative Deprivation Theory is used as a theoretical framework. This study suggests that access to a more equitable system of social welfare which safeguards the dignity of the majority will go a long way in promoting harmonious intergroup relations in Nigeria.

