Pregnant Women’s Awareness and Knowledge of Nonverbal Communication Channels during Antenatal Care in Tertiary Health Institutions in South Eastern Nigeria


  • Onyenekwe, Ogochukwu N.
  • Ekwenchi, Ogochukwu C.


Antenatal Care, Communication Channels, Nonverbal Communication, Tertiary Health Institutions, Verbal Communication


Nonverbal Communication is an integral part of communication. There are different channels of nonverbal communication which represent tangible expressions of actions. Unlike verbal communication, nonverbal communication is rarely studied due to absence of a curriculum that
teaches, assesses and evaluates its use. The aim of this study was to ascertain pregnant women’s awareness and knowledge of nonverbal communication channels during antenatal care in tertiary health Institutions in South East Nigeria. Three Tertiary Health Institutions in South East Nigeria were randomly selected for the study. Participants for the study were pregnant women registered for antenatal care at the antenatal clinic of the three Tertiary Health Institutions. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Statistical analysis of data was done using percentages and chi-square. Significant level was placed at p<0.05. Findings showed that a significant number of pregnant women were aware of nonverbal communication while only about 30% of the pregnant women had knowledge of nonverbal communication channels. The preponderant expressions of nonverbal communication used by the pregnant women were smiling, nodding of head and body language which is kinesics. However, they could not properly place these expressions in the nonverbal channels. The study concluded that for proper use and understanding of nonverbal communication, a formal curriculum should be introduced for the purpose of training in it.

