Harnessing Alternative Transportation System for Efficient Food Supply Chain in Nigeria: Role of the Blue Economy


  • Mgbomene, Chukunalu


Alternative transportation, system, blue economy, maritime transport output, port infrastructure, shipping technology.


This research focused on harnessing the alternative transportation system for efficient food supply chain in Nigeria with emphasis on the blue economy. There has been less attention to the role offered by alternative transportation system within the blue economy on food supply chain efficiency in Nigeria. The study gathered data on maritime transport output, government investment in port infrastructure, shipping technology, employment in maritime transport as the independent variables while food supply chain efficiency (proxied with agricultural yield that reaches the final consumer) as the dependent variable. The data were analyzed using the error
correction model. The result revealed that maritime transport output and port infrastructure negatively affected food supply chain efficiency in Nigeria, shipping technology positively affected food supply chain efficiency but not significantly while employment in maritime transport positively affected food supply chain efficiency significantly. The study concluded that Nigeria has not fully explored the opportunities provided by the blue economy in ensuring food supply efficiency and part of the recommendations was the increase in government investment towards the construction, repair and renovation of port infrastructure across the country. As the Nigerian
government leverages on public-private partnership to improve maritime transportation, government should realize that it has a higher stake towards ensuring continued development of port infrastructure as this will ensure smooth delivery of fresh food products into Nigeria and smoothen food supply chain efficiency across Nigeria.

