Supply Chain Management Practices and Resource Optimization: A Study of Dangote Refinery in Nigeria


  • Florence Eguonor Omonzejele, PhD
  • James Sylvanus Ogbuleka


Supply chain, Resource Optimisation, Procurement Practices, Inventory Management


This study explores the relationship between Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices on resource optimization at Dangote Refinery in Nigeria. SCM plays a crucial role in optimizing procurement, inventory management, transportation, and distribution processes, contributing to operational efficiency and economic sustainability. Despite significant challenges such as poor infrastructure, regulatory constraints, and market volatility, the refinery has made notable strides in implementing SCM practices that enhance resource optimization and reduce operational costs. Through the use of a descriptive survey research design, this study investigates the effectiveness of these SCM practices in improving supply chain performance within 90 employees of Dangote Refinery. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data, employing SPSS Version 2.5 as the primary tool for data processing. The Person product correlation coefficient was conducted to examine relationships between SCM practices and resource optimization but face
limitations due to external challenges. Findings suggested that SCM practices at Dangote Refinery have positively influenced resource optimization but face limitations due to external challenges. Recommendations for improvement include infrastructure development, capacity building, strategic supplier partnerships, and policy advocacy to overcome these challenges and fully harness the potential of SCM practices.

