Effect of Work Family Conflict on Counterproductive Work Behaviour: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence


  • TAEGAR Martha Ejakpofon


Work Family Conflict, Counterproductive Work Behaviour, Moderating Role, Emotional Intelligence


The paper examines effect of work family conflict on counterproductive work behaviour; exploring the moderating role of emotional intelligence. The paper premised on the fact that emotional intelligence is capable of mitigating work family conflict and counterproductive work behaviour in an organization, employing secondary data for its analysis and concluded that employees (workers) with high emotional intelligence will be able to manage work family conflict and by extension limited or out rightly eradicate the tenet of counterproductive work behaviour in an organization. The paper suggested that since work family conflict cannot be avoided, an appropriate test be given to would-be employees/workers to test their level of emotional intelligence with a view to stemming intending conflict relating to work and family, thereby avoid counterproductive work behaviour from employees as they are inimical to an organization’s growth.

