The Challenges of Urban Road Transport System in Asaba Metropolis, Nigeria


  • Onah, Henry Heelas


challenges, developing countries, pollution, traffic congestion, urban transport


This study examined the challenges of urban road transport system in Asaba Metropolis, Nigeria. The study used primary and secondary sources of data. The findings of the study revealed that unplanned cities, poor discipline and archaic management system were causes of poor traffic management in Asaba Metropolis in Nigeria. The findings of the study also revealed that increasing urban population and level of motorization has necessitated the need for parking design to curb competition for space, manage transport supply and demand to manage traffic congestion. The study’s findings revealed absence of road signage, traffic signal lights and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws as common challenges of urban transport system in Asaba Metropolis. Based on the findings, the study concluded that poor design of road infrastructure was among the major causes of traffic congestion and accidents in Asaba metropolis. Based on the findings, the study recommended the need for adequate provision of on-street and off-street parking facilities, construction of bus lay-bys, median barriers, crash prevention at ‘t’ or ‘y’ junctions, road markings and signage, installation of traffic signal lights and pedestrian bridges and crossings to cater for children, the aged and people living with disabilities in Asaba Metropolis.

