Issues of Hausa Syntax: A Case Study of Noun Phrase (NP) Constituents


  • Habibu Abdulkadir


Hausa Noun Phrase, NP constituents, Theory of Syntax


The paper is a case study of Hausa Noun Phrase (NP), which focuses on the NP constituents, which study the words that can come within the NP. The constituents of NP consist of three segments: pre-NP, NP, and post-NP. Pre-NP is a word that comes before the noun to qualify it; the noun is the head of the noun; and post-NP is a word that comes after the noun to qualify it. The aim of the paper is to critically study the words that can serve as a noun in NP, such as the noun itself, pronoun, adjective, adverb, specifier, and dative. The paper was based on Chomsky's (1965) “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.”

