Effects, Mumuye, Taraba, ZengAbstract
Mumuye society, like any other African, places high regard and observances of its religious beliefs and practices, which foster harmonious relationships between the sacred and profane. Zeng are sophisticated conglomerated material objects like human nails, hairs of animals, salt, bones of human beings, pubic hairs of humans and animals, broken bottles, pieces of rag, zinc, iron, alluminium, rubber, plant residues, teeth of witches and wizards, or other items that are magically collected and empowered with human psychic and spiritual powers to harm or destroy people or other things by their handlers. This study examines the effects of zeng (magical objects) on the Mumuye of Taraba State. The primary objective of the study was to identify and understand the underlying effects of the widespread presence of zeng among the Mumuye. The research utilized a combination of ethnographic methods and a phenomenological approach to delve into the intricate dynamics of zeng effects. Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. The study employs rigorous qualitative analysis to derive meaningful insights from the collected data on the duo effects of zeng among the Mumuye of Taraba State. The study discovered security, hunting purpose, safeguarding of farms, animal pens, and territory against invading enemies, mutual respect and competitions, fear/phobia, violation of people's fundamental rights, mutual suspicion and hatred, tarnishing of one's reputation/image, scaring investors, rural-urban migration, escalation of tension and
rivalry among individuals and communities, underdevelopment, poverty, and the need to awaken people's consciousness to take antidotes against zeng attacks are some of the effects associated with zeng as examined by the study. The research recommends that people should be aware of other effects of zeng in order to be at peace with the latest ones. People should learn to be their brother's keeper and also consult herbal experts to give them antidotes or fortified counter magical rings, talismans, caps, and eye silvery and powdery concoctions against the attacks and effects of zeng.