The Media in Conflict Management/Prevention and Peacebuilding in Nigeria: A Pragmatic Approach


  • Joseph Lucas, Ph.D
  • Julius Ngomba, PhD


Conflict, conflict management Media, Peace, Peace Building


This study examines the increasing debate on the ethics of reporting conflict, and outlines series of principles to guide media practitioners, conflict resolution professionals and NGOs on how the media can best play a constructive role in conflict and post-conflict scenarios. The study refers to a number of field projects that demonstrated good practice, as well as those several ones that failed. The study stressed that the very existence of conflict impedes the existence of peace, which is a panacea for socio-economic and political development. Existence of conflict in one part of the world threatens the existence of peace on the other parts as well. And since this era of human civilization is a period of global interconnectedness, the role of media in enhancing peace cannot be overlooked. Media is a tool that can be used to create conflict and also create sustainable peace. Media has dual place in any social milieu. At present, media works as a common platform to create awareness among the global stakeholders regarding issues of interests. The growing concerns about the global issues are interconnected and facilitated through media. Hence, media can play a vital role at different levels in mitigating violence and promoting peace. This article is an attempt to find a general conceptualization of peace and violence as well as to look deep into the role of media in reducing violence and the creation of peace. The paper concludes by presenting some life-line for further research and action to further stress media role in peacebuilding.

