Organizational Culture and Employee Performance: Empirical Analysis


  • ONORIODE, Omorho Humphrey Ph.D.
  • AGBELE George Ph.D.


Organizational Culture, People Orientation, Team, Orientation, Aggressiveness, Employee Performance


This study examines the correlation between organizational culture and performance of employee in service industries in Delta Central, Delta State Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The population comprised 5 hotels selected randomly with a total population of 51 employees and a sample size of 45 was equally obtained by Taro Yamane’s technique. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were subjected to correlation co-efficient statistical tool and mean standard deviation analysis. Based on the analysis, the three (3) variables of organizational culture-people orientation, team orientation and aggressiveness are significant predictors of employee performance. The co-efficient of the variables are positive and significant (PO.04<0.05; PO. 005<0.05) except people orientation (PO.123>0.05). Therefore, the study concluded that organizational culture has a significant positive effect on employee performance in service industries (hotels). Based on this, the study recommended that service industries should generate culture that support teamwork with emphasis on enhanced communication in order to influence attitude, opinion, beliefs and reduced attitude of self centeredness. Again, since team orientation has positive correlation with employee performance, management should also pay attention to recognition and financial rewards for performing team. Service industry management should also pay attention to team and individual aggressiveness since it has strong positive relationship with employee performance in service industry.

