Social Media Use by Business Enterprises in Asaba for Economic Enhancement


  • Jammy Seigha GUANAH, Ph.D.
  • Benedette Ngozi OLIMMA, Ph.D.
  • Oke Edward EDHERUE
  • Irene Ogadinma ONWUEMENE


Business, Economic, Enhancement, Enterprises, Social Media


Social media have become essential tools for businesses worldwide to connect with customers and promote their products or services. Asaba, the capital city of Delta State in Nigeria, is a major commercial centre that hosts numerous small, medium, and large-scale businesses. Many of these businesses have started to recognise the potential benefits of social media in enhancing their economic performance. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which social media are being used by business enterprises in Asaba for economic enhancement; examine the different social media platforms used by businesses, and assess the types of content they post. The study, which was premised on the Uses and Gratification theory, adopted the survey research method while questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The study found that social media are being used extensively by business enterprises in Asaba for economic enhancement. Also, it was discovered that the different social media platforms used by businesses include YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and others. The study concluded that the usage of social media platforms by business enterprises provides an avenue for creating awareness, promoting products and services, and engaging with customers. It was therefore recommended, among others, that businesses in Asaba should further incorporate social media into their marketing and communication strategies to enhance their economic growth and success. Likewise, businesses should stay up-to-date with new features, trends, and best practices to ensure that their social media presence remains effective.

