Exploring The Elements and Phases of Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Communities in Nigeria


  • Heman Johnson


Elements, Nigeria, Peacebuilding, Phases, Post-conflict communities


Preventing crises and conflict recurrence has always been a primary concern for post-conflict states. Even when a violent conflict has ended, the task of establishing a lasting peace frequently appears daunting. It is against this background that the study examined processes, elements and phases of peacebuilding in post-conflict communities. Premised on human need theory, the study employed a qualitative methodology that includes a desk study and purposeful sampling of events in Nigeria and Africa. Secondary sources of data collection used include textbooks, the internet, periodicals and so on. Additionally, the narrative method of analysis was used in interpreting the data. Findings showed that good governance, security, reconciliation and others constitute strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding. On the other hand, stakeholders in post-conflict peacebuilding were found to be businesses, media, religions, civil society, and the likes of others. Likewise, conflict management, transformation and resolution account for phases of peacebuilding. Moreover, a sustainable transformative process in a post-conflict environment is therefore needed for long-lasting peace.

