Post-Colonial Nigeria Society/Economy and Dependency: Issues, Strategy and the Way Forward


  • Patrick Babatunde Oroborome Oromareghake, PhD


Economy Dependency, Nigeria Society, Post-Colonial, Strategic Issues, Underdevelopment


The Nigerian society is characterized by dependence on the core countries, especially the Western World, which is the main cause of economic dependency and perpetual underdevelopment. The role of the Nigerian elites is very negative, thereby aggravating Nigerian dependency, while contributing to the development of the core capitalist countries. It is against this background that this paper raises various issues in the Nigerian society that perpetuate dependency and underdevelopment. The study work is carried out with data obtained from secondary sources. Findings revealed that Post-colonial Nigerian economy is characterized by dependence irrespective of her political independence in 1960. The implication of this is that since the nation is economically dependent, every other sector is also dependent. This is contrary to the advocate for self-reliance and separation from the exploiters and exploited. The paper is, therefore, of the opinion that Nigeria cannot achieve successful self-reliance and true independence with the present approach of the misguided policies of the capitalist exploitation. The socialist transformation strategy is, therefore, recommended as the way out of dependency in Nigeria.
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