International Terrorism and Nigeria’s Foreign Policy: Emerging Paradigms


  • Franc Ter Abagen, PhD
  • Selumun Tyona


Terrorism, Foreign Policy, International, Military, Sect


This paper interrogates international terrorism and Nigeria’s foreign policy: the emerging paradigms. It took a historical journey into the evolution of international terrorism. The power approach was used as an explanatory model. It is one of the approaches to the study of foreign policy objectives. It sees separatist or ethnic consideration and religious extremism as some of the causes of terrorism. For conveniences, the paper reveals only the Boko Haram terrorist acts in Nigeria. Peace and security, and economic diplomacy are very fundamental objectives of Nigeria’s foreign policy. It observes that these foreign policy objectives were not well pursued by the previous governments, especially that of President Goodluck Jonathan between 2010-2015 when the terrorist activities perpetrated by the Boko Haram sects became rampant, especially in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria and Nigeria was seen as a terrorist nation by other nations of the world. This gradually weakened Nigeria foreign relations. But with the emergence of the current President Buhari led government, there has been an emerging paradigm on international terrorism and Nigeria’s foreign policy. His administration has vigorously pursued the peace and security, and economic diplomacy objectives of Nigeria’s foreign policy to a much more better level than ever before. It calls on Nigeria to seek international cooperation with all nations to aid her in the fight against Boko Haram terrorists.

