Farmers’ Perception of Effectiveness of Radio Programmes in Promoting Fadama Agricultural Policy in Lavun Local Government Area, Niger State


  • AGBOOLA, Abdulhameed Kayode
  • KOLO, Muhammad Idris


Agriculture, agricultural extension, community radio, fadama, farmer


This study has investigated Farmers’ perception of effectiveness of radio programmes in promoting Fadama agricultural policy amongst farmers in Chanchaga community in Lavun local government area of Niger State. The study used self-developed survey questionnaire to collect data from 109 Fadama beneficiaries in Lavun Local Governement Area of the State. The respondents were asked in the questionnaire as to whether they have a radio transistor of their own, listened and following the Fadama extension programme on the radio. The response rate was 95%. Overall findings show that the majority 91% respondents owned and listened to Fadama programmes on radio, while 68% of the respondents claimed that the programme is very important to them, whereas 83% of the respondents declared that the programme has improved their knowledge in farming. Also, 84% of the respondents said that the programme has been effective so far. The study concluded that radio is an essential channel in promoting agricultural development because it has been able to disseminate information on new technologies on farming, livestock and fishery among others. Also, information gets to the people at the grassroots and rural communities. Finally, the study recommends that number of weekly broadcast of Fadama programmes radio stations should be increased, at least twice in a week and that the Federal Government should create funds to sustain the Fadama programmes and the radio programmes used to disseminate the Fadama Agricultural extension services.

