Sectarianism and the Messiah Complex: Boko Haram Insurgence and Nigeria’s Response to Islamic Fundamentalism


  • Adeoti, Ezekiel Oladele, PhD


Boko Haram, Fundamentalism, Ideology, Insurgence, Religion, Sectarianism


From a stick-wielding, rabble rousing disgruntled youths, Boko Haram has transformed into a sophisticated, well-armed insurgency with Armoured Personnel Carriers and international affiliates. The terrorist organization, engaged in brazen confrontation and warfare which had put the credibility of Nigerian government and her military to question. This paper examines the role of religion and politics in the evolution of Boko Haram. The paper adopts the historical and analytical method. The work is anchored on Relative Deprivation and Frustration-Aggression theories. Findings reveal that economic deprivation, governance deficit, political incompetence, security failure, religious extremism and intolerance gave room to sectarianism, messiah tendencies and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Nigeria. The paper concludes that Nigeria is currently bedevilled by a new challenge of insecurity, hitherto unknown in her history and is struggling to checkmate this menace. Rather than the quick-fix approach in putting an end to Islamic terrorism, Nigeria needs to evolve a new strategy and tactics that will go beyond a militaryonly solution.

