The Boko Haram Insurgency in Northeastern Nigeria Revisited: Historicising the 2009 Uprising in Maiduguri


  • Usman Ladan PhD


Boko Haram, Defeat, Insurgency, Northeast, Outbreak


Northeastern Nigeria recorded the outbreak of two Boko Haram uprisings since 2009: the first was a six-day insurrection that broke out in Maiduguri in 2009, while the second is a prolonged insurgency which began in July 2010 and is ongoing. The article focuses on the former and seeks to reconstruct the causes and processes that led to the outbreak of the uprising in Maiduguri in July 2009. By historicising the trajectory of events through a multidisplinary approach that relies on multiple sources, we established that the 2009 uprising was the outcome of various internal and external factors. The grievance-based mobilisation drive of Boko Haram rattled the Nigerian state, which increased its repression of the militants. The sect reacted to the repression with a violent uprising in July 2009, which was defeated after six days of bloody confrontation. After ten months of relative peace, Boko Haram launched a second uprising which is ongoing. The article concludes that although Boko Haram is severely weakened, military force alone cannot suffice for its final defeat. For the restoration of lasting peace, it is recommended that the root causes of the insurgency should be addressed, supplemented by boosting the morale of soldiers, strengthening the multinational alliance against Boko Haram, and rehabilitating militants who surrender, among others.

