Motivational Factors, Consequences and Management of Workplace Romances in Manufacturing Companies in Ogun State, Nigeria


  • Ajibade David


Career-related needs, Employees, Manufacturing companies, Ogun state, Work environment, Workplace romances


This paper specifically examined the motivational factors, consequences and management of workplace romances in manufacturing companies in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study population comprised of employees who are involved in workplace romances and human resource/personnel managers. The study adopted multi-stage sampling approach, snowball and purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire and oral interviews. The data collected through questionnaire were analysed using descriptive techniques such as frequency counts and percentages while the data obtained through oral interviews were content analysed. The results of the study show that majority of the respondents engaged in hierarchical type of workplace romances. Respondents were also found to be in workplace romances principally to ensure financial security and support as well as satisfying their task and career related needs. Majority of the human resource/personnel managers however perceived workplace romances in negative light as it was seen capable of lowering productivity of those involved, damaging company public image and causing workplace violence. Despite these, no measure was found in most of the companies sampled for managing these potential risks. In view of these, the study recommends regular sensitization of employees through workshop/seminar on the risks of workplace romances. Also, manufacturing companies without any workplace romance policy should formulate one that will effectively regulate employees behavior without infringing on their rights.

